We unleash the people potential
People potential comes from leadership training and HR strategy


More about how we unleash the people potential.


16 December, 2024
People & Business centered change

Change management that enabled a smooth and value-creating business transformation of organization, processes and systems in a growing IT company

Filip Svensson
Transforming Leadership to Drive Strategic Growth and Operational Excellence A transformative journey to revolutionize Transdev's approach, unlocking new levels of efficiency, collaboration, and growth across the entire organization. Background & Assig...
18 October, 2024
Organizational design
People & Business centered change

An Efficient and Dynamic Leadership Structure for Change within the Transport Industry

Filip Svensson
Transforming Leadership to Drive Strategic Growth and Operational Excellence A transformative journey to revolutionize Transdev's approach, unlocking new levels of efficiency, collaboration, and growth across the entire organization. Background & Assig...
18 October, 2024
Organizational design
People & Business centered change

Leading Change for Organizational Transformation and Enhanced Employee Development

Filip Svensson
Streamlined projects to ensure new, qualitative, work processes Responsibility for leading change management efforts during a reorganization and the introduction of new work processes and roles for frontline employees. These initiatives are set to impr...
18 October, 2024
Collaboration & Management team development

Kulturträning i en föränderlig marknad

Hanna Johnsson
Vår kund insåg att den kulturella plattformen behövde en uppdatering. Därför investerade de i kulturträningar som fick igenom en beteendeförflyttning som genomsyrar hela organisationen samt går i linje med den strategiska riktningen och en föränderlig...
9 September, 2024
Sustainable Culture

Att skapa hållbar prestation som genomsyrar en hel organisation

Hanna Johnsson
Ett initiativ på hälsa med hög ambition nådde endast fram till medarbetare som redan var aktiva och effekterna av insatserna var otydliga att läsa avBakgrund & utmaning Forskning har visat att fysisk aktivitet har en positiv inverkan på människors häls...
16 October, 2023
Collaboration & Management team development
Leadership development

En förändringsresa som inspirerar

”Med tålamod och uthållighet når vi långt”  Som VD för Söderenergi arbetade Karin Medin målmedvetet för att utveckla ledarskap, kultur och samarbete i hela organisationen. Förutom tydliga resultat har hon fått erfarenheter som kommer väl till pass när...
19 April, 2022
Collaboration & Management team development
Intelligent Organizations

Collective Intelligence

Fredrika Appelgren
In line with our vision of contributing to a sustainable society as well as sustainable work places, this mindful and longterm initiative develops culture, leadership and collaboration. Using the CIBoost app and toolkit, Influence People gave every team...

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