
The post-pandemic time we find ourselves in has given us a great opportunity to recreate the Employee Experience in our organizations. Continute reading this insight and learn about Employee Experience and some concrete tips on how to approach it! 


We live in an experience economy 

In today's economy, the demand for unique experiences is increasing. Only providing high-quality goods and services is often not enough to satisfy customers' needs. In this context, it is argued that we live in an "experience economy". Simultaneously, many organizations have realized that in order to offer a positive "Customer Experience", they are dependent on first creating a positive "Employee Experience". With this approach, we recognize the employee as someone who seeks unique experiences in their work life just like they do in their private lives.

At the same time, our work is constantly changing as a result of digitalization, automation and not least, pandemics and hybrid work. These changes influence the Employee Experience as they both create new expectations and alters the organizational processes, working methods, digital tools, culture and the physical workplace. Since the Employee Experience is the sum of all interactions an employee has with their organization, the Employee Experience will take place in all these dimensions.

With this perspective, is it time to reconsider how you create a positive Employee Experience given the new prevailing circumstances?

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Reshape your Employee Experience

The post-pandemic phase we find ourselves in offers a great opportunity for us to reshape, renew and rethink our strategies for how we create a positive Employee Experience. In the following, we will equip you with some advice which can help you on your quest to reshape the Employee Experience:

  1. Be open and invite several perspectives
    Creating a positive Employee Experience requires analysis and involvement. Therefore, we encourage you to take a broader approach and see Employee Experience as something that happens in several dimensions. Perspectives from people at various levels in the organization should be considered in order to create a holistic Employee Experience. By doing this, you will not only ensure that you create a tailored experience for your business, but you will also move away from a traditional top-down approach. 
  2. Engage in conversations with employees
    The pandemic has given us an opportunity to "start over". If we truly care, we can once and for all understand what is really important in our organizations. Therefore, it is a good idea to engage in conversations with employees to understand the critical moments in their daily work that mean the most to them. Undoubtedly, it is equally important to understand moments which are affecting the Employee Experience negatively and are in need of improvement. This is especially important in post-pandemic times. Only then can you learn what works, what does not work and what employees expect from this time forth. A mismatch between employee’s expectations and the reality can have negative consequences.
  3. The inside need to reflect the outside
    Remember that the Employee Experience starts even before you have hired someone. If the inside of your organization does not reflect the message you are sending out, the Employee Experience can be negatively affected. Therefore, it is important that you measure the temperature of your Employee Experience to understand the current situation. This allows you to adjust and be sure that the messages you are sending out also match how it is experienced on the inside.

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