Organizational Design
Organizational frameworks are key to starying competitive and driving effectiveness. As work becomes more knowledge-driven, structures must empower employees to navigate conflicting demands to find the best solutions.
Why Organizational Design...
Organizational design is crucial for adapting to changing business needs. It ensures optimal resource allocation, supports strategic shifts, helps navigate new regulations, and aligns with cultural changes. A well-designed organization enhances performance, agility, and long-term success by creating an efficient framework where processes, roles, and culture work together seamlessly.
...The benefits of working with Organizational Design
Currently, 4 out of 5 organizations are undergoing or planning a reorganization. However, half of these efforts fail due to outdated designs, limited analysis, or lack of support during the transformation. Organizations that succeed in creating a supportive, adaptable framework are 50% more likely to achieve top performance and sustain long-term success. To become a top-performing organization, the key is building a structure that:
- Inspires positive behaviors
- Empowers employees
- Aligns strategy with shared priorities
Our approach to Organizational Design
There is no one-size-fits-all solution; it is essential to analyze which structures and behaviors best support an organization in executing its strategy. At Influence People, we empower organizations to adapt and create value by balancing people and performance to boost competitiveness. This approach blends structure and culture, using an iterative process to optimize collaboration and align goals across departments and responsibilities.
Typical services we offer our customers within Organizational Design
- Optimizing organizational design
We support your organization by analyzing its current design, focusing on dependencies, collaboration, governance, and workflow effectiveness. Based on this analysis, we suggest improvements to enhance collaboration and drive greater value. - Formulate design and implementation of new structures and governance
Together, we help you shape your organizational design using feedback from within, and outside, the organization and support the change management process to ensure strong engagement. - Integrating business units
We assist in integrating new business units and supporting implementation, all while maintaining a holistic perspective to enhance overall value.
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