Leadership, HR Strategy and Effective Collaboration with Influence People
Cecilia Werner

People Analytics

Unleash your organization´s full potential with people data. People analytics transforms insights into strategic actions that drive smarter decisions and boost business results.

Why People Analytics...

In today’s data-driven world, HR is crucial in defining data and reporting frameworks that align with organizational goals. HR identifies key data needs—such as workforce analytics, engagement metrics, and diversity insights—to support informed decision-making. It also ensures the organization has the skills to analyze data, extract actionable insights, and turn them into strategic decisions. 

...The benefits of working with People Analytics

The value of data lies in its interpretation and application. People analytics empowers HR leaders and business partners to align key actions with strategy, making them true strategic partners. By adopting data-driven strategies, your organization is set for sustainable growth, fostering an environment where both employees and the business thrive.

Organizational culture is the words and actions

Turning people data into strategic action brings the people-dimension to the heart of business. With data-driven insights, HR leaders can predict change, adress hidden challenges, and drive sustainable growth. 

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Our approach to People Analytics

People analytics helps HR leaders and managers identify root causes. It’s not just about HR—it’s about the business. By aligning people analytics with business goals, we make it a key enabler of the people strategy within the broader business agenda. This approach empowers HR leaders to make smarter decisions and strengthens the data-driven capabilities needed to drive better business outcomes.


Typical services we offer our customers within People Analytics



  • People Analytic Strategy
    We help you identify and bridge the gap between your current performance and long-term goals, providing a data-driven roadmap for meaningful change.
  • Data-driven Decision Making
    Utilize advanced analytics to measure HR initiatives against business performance (e.g., talent acquisition impact on revenue, employee engagement linking to retention rates). 
  • Empowering HR as a Strategic Data Stakeholder
    We support HR in defining the data and reporting requirements that align with business goals and ensure the right competencies are in place to interpret reports and transform them into actionable insights.
  • HR Assessment
    Our framework provides an effective way to benchmark the current state of the company´s HR Organisation. It offers insights into the level of maturity and highlights areas where increased value can be achieved through the use of HR and business data—people analytics. Read more here!

There is always more to explore!


26 March, 2024
Organizational Culture
Sustainable Culture

The Importance of Culture Management

Hanna Johnsson
It’s not uncommon for management teams to wonder why their well-communicated strategy doesn’t yield expected results. Often, the missing link lies in underestimating the impact of organizational culture. Read more.
Collaboration and Management team development
25 March, 2024
Organizational Culture
Sustainable Culture

People-funktionens affärskritiska roll på en instabil arbetsmarknad

Hanna Johnsson
I tider av ökande varsel och fler konkurser än någonsin spelar People- och HR-funktioner en avgörande roll för organisationers överlevnad. Här delar våra kollegor Kelly Chau och Nathalie Berthelius, konsulter inom HR Transformation på Influence People,...
26 January, 2024
Organizational Culture
Sustainable Culture

Organisationsdesign med samarbete i fokus

Läs mer om hur vi arbetar med organisationsdesign för att att frigöra mänsklig potential, öka genomförandekraften och förbättra den arbetsrelaterade hälsan.
Team work
25 October, 2023
Future of HR

HRBP Movement

`HRBP movement´ -   a necessary movement to reach a business focused People function We have for many years talked about HR moving towards “becoming a more business focused People function”. A topic still relevant today. We see a need for the whole Pe...
13 October, 2023


Sveriges HR Förenings utmärkelse Impact by people lyfter fram inspirerande och modiga idéer, hyllar gemensamma förflyttningar och möjliggör till att lära av varandra. Detta görs genom att premiera och uppmärksamma kollektiva och tvärfunktionella initiat...
People Analytics
11 September, 2023

AI technology can make us more human than ever

AI’s contact with humanity through social media brought people and organizations together. The flipside however was that our social identity was hijacked. Today, teens without Snapchat or Instagram accounts hardly exist in their circle of friends. Media...
11 September, 2023
Learning & Development
Organizational Culture
Sustainable Culture

Inclusive leaders understand how social structures impact performance

Research states that companies aim for diversity for three reasons: regulatory compliance, ethical standard and or financial expectations. These reasons are of course intertwined and hard to separate one from the other but i ndependent of which h...
8 June, 2023
Learning & Development
Organizational Culture
Sustainable Culture

Så skapar du hållbar prestation i din organisation – sustainable performance

Vad krävs för att åstadkomma hållbar prestation i organisationer? Vems ansvar är det att medarbetarna mår bra och hur påverkas det finansiella resultatet av hållbar prestation? Det handlar om strategiska prioriteringar och tydlighet i ansvar menar Barba...

Our cases


19 April, 2022
Future of HR

HR Strategy

Fredrika Appelgren
The customer turned the challenge of outdated systems and manual processes into an opportunity to make HR an integral part of the business. The purpose of the project was to help the customer develop an HR strategy to make the Human Resorces an integrat...
19 April, 2022
Leadership development
Sustainable Performance

Leadership Training

Fredrika Appelgren
To adapt to the rapid changes of retail, our client realized they needed to redesign the organization to keep up with the competition. A ledarship program was developed, resulting in a more engaged workforce and better collaboration between units. Our c...
19 April, 2022
Leadership development
Sustainable Culture

Leadership Development

Fredrika Appelgren
When our client struggled with executing their business strategy, a leadership program was tailored to streamline the leadership within the organization and boost performance. The management team wanted to support their employees by providing an environ...
19 April, 2022
Organizational design

Cultural Integration in M&A

Fredrika Appelgren
Aquiring two new companies, our client was aware of the risk for a culture clash and decided to avert it by making company culture a fundamental part of the company’s integration program. To avoid a culture clash, the management team wanted to include c...

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